What happens in a Class?

5 Elements, 7 Chakras Creative Movement

The dancing is a type of free-form, spontaneous movement to music. There is no right or wrong way to dance.

The music has been specifically chosen to resonate with the frequencies of each of the 7 main chakras.

We dance through the chakras and their connection to the 5 elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether.

I invite everyone to come to the practice with a positive intention in mind i.e. “I am calm and relaxed”, “My body moves freely and easily”. You will not be asked to share this intention with others.

See this change as if it has already happened and how wonderful it is! We can then hold this intention in our hearts and release it to the Universe, to manifest as we dance.

Your dance, your way.

You will be dancing how you want to and to your own ability, not following me or anyone else in the room – or pushing yourself beyond what you can manage. Each time you come to dance you will be different and will need different things from the dance so it’s all about doing what feels right for you.

You don’t need to worry about remembering which chakra we are dancing through, I will guide you with each chakra we are dancing and the point when we move on.

In the main we dance by ourselves, although if you have arranged a group session with those you know and love (and all feel comfortable enough) we can also include some partner work, which can be immensely beneficial and powerful.

The Beginning

At the start we will come together into the sacred circle and have our eyes gently closed as we draw ourselves out of our heads and into our bodies. We will thank our bodies for the opportunity to dance and feel our connection with Mother Earth and our fellow dancers in the room. We’ll recall our positive intentions and take some long deep breaths as we ground ourselves in the present moment and get ready to dance.

The Middle

We dance through each of the main chakras, starting at the Root, balancing and harmonising the energy centres.
You can have a soft gaze or close your eyes whilst you dance, whatever your preference. I just ask that you be aware of and respect those around you when using the space that we have available.
Below are some brief descriptions of the type of music you’ll experience;

  • Root – Base sounds, tribal drum beats, low earthy rhythms.
  • Sacral – Fluid, sensual flowing music – just right for swinging those hips!
  • Solar Plexus – Powerful, high energy music resonating with our powerhouse chakra.
  • Heart* – Light, fast beat music that touches the heart.
  • Throat – Starting to wind down, hypnotic and meditative sounds.
  • Third-Eye – Music touching our mind’s eye – light, graceful, inspiring.
  • Crown – Angelic frequency music, promoting peace and bliss.

* During the dancing of the heart chakra we can send love and light to loved ones that need healing. Please feel free to bring a photo or keepsake, or just a piece of paper with a name on, for anyone that you would like to send our loving energy to. We will place them in the centre of the heart chakra dance and send the collective powerful healing love energy to them.

The Finale

After dancing the Crown Chakra we will once again form our sacred circle in a closing ceremony.
We will give thanks to our bodies and to our fellow dancers and remind ourselves what amazing light beings we are!
I will guide you through raising your energy from the Root to your Crown and then sweeping it back down, grounding you and protecting your energy field before bringing the practice to a close.


Creative Meditation

Meditation aims to quieten the mind. The aim of relaxation is to create a state of relaxed awareness. It is quite different from sleeping or dozing. In meditation you direct your attention inwards to become an observer of yourself, your thoughts, feelings and sensations.

There are many ways to meditate, beyond the well-known silent sitting or listening to calming meditation music.
We will meditate for around 30 minutes, including the opening and closing ceremony.

Below are some examples of the types of meditation we can do together.

If you are booking a group session and have a particular preference then please do let me know.

Guided Meditation

With a guided meditation you are invited to join a visualisation journey. An example could be a country walk through a beautiful meadow, crossing a small bridge maybe and sitting quietly under a tree to absorb nature’s energy.

We will always start by grounding ourselves and bringing our awareness to the present. During the visualisation I will pause from speaking for a short time, to allow a moment’s rest in silence and to deepen the experience. We will then slowly retrace our path, feeling our awareness coming back into the body. In closing we will once again ground ourselves and to finish we re-protect our energy field with glowing golden light.

Sound meditation

Sound has been scientifically proven to have a profound effect on the cells in our body. Have you ever seen water react to the resonance of a crystal singing bowl? It is astounding!

Given we are made up of 60-70% water, imagine what the sound does within our bodies too.

During a sound meditation you will relax to sounds of chimes, singing bowls, bells, drums and gongs. I will either play these whilst you sit quietly, or we can create our own unique symphony, with everyone playing a percussion instrument.
Walking and playing the instrument becomes quite hypnotic. We attune ourselves into the sounds around us and all create a rhythm that is absorbing and mesmerising.

I am always amazed at how the ego completely takes a step back during these sessions. Everyone honours each other, and the whole composition, by playing selflessly and with respect.


Affirmations are building blocks of great strength – as long as you keep using them.

We may use affirmations during our chakra dancing or our meditation, and they are great to use for yourself in your own time as well. Don’t forget the power of positive thought!